Committee of the Whole - May 9, 2016

Committee of the Whole

Intersection improvements to be studied

The planned improvements to the Northfield/Boundary/Highway 19 intersection were put on hold for up to one year to wait and see what the future of passenger rail service on Vancouver Island is going to be, and the need for further consultation with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Delaying the project could save the City over $1 million in upgrades to the existing railroad tracks. 

Section 8a

Motion carried: 6-3.

New program for seniors

A new program to help connect isolated seniors with the broader community was supported by Council. This program is fully funded for three years by the Federal Government’s New Horizons for Seniors grant.

Section 8d

Motion carried: Unanimous.  

Water line for 5 Acres Farm

Council awarded a grant of $1,000 towards Nanaimo FoodShare’s 5 Acres Farm. The money will be spent to help offset the cost of installing a 2 inch water supply line to the site.

Section 8b

Motion carried: Unanimous.  

Fundraiser for Fort McMurray

Council endorsed a fundraiser at the Port Theatre on May 24 to support people displaced by the Fort McMurray wildfires.

Section: 11

Motion carried: Unanimous.

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