It's time to get FireSmart about wildfires

Are you ready for this year’s fire season? We're here to help make sure you’re prepared when and where it counts.

What is FireSmart?

Wildfire is a risk that all British Columbians need to be prepared for. But while that seems like a big task, FireSmart is here to help you get started and make proven steps toward protecting your home and your community from wildfire.

Have a FireSmart Summer

The arrival of summer usually brings hot, dry weather. Follow these simple steps to make sure you are FireSmart and visit

  • Clear all dead brush, dry debris and other combustibles from within 10 metres around the outside of your home, clean your gutters and keep your lawn short.
  • Make sure there are no trees overhanging the roof of your house and keep them pruned up 2 metres.
  • Clean and maintain your BBQ before using it and don’t leave it unattended while cooking.
  • Have working smoke detectors on each floor of your home. Make sure to regularly test the batteries and replace the smoke detector every 10 years.
  • Properly extinguish and dispose of all smoking material. Do not throw cigarette butts out the window of your car. This is not only littering, it is also a cause of many wildfires.
  • Be vigilant and call 911 to report all fires no matter size.

Last updated: July 10, 2024

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