
The City of Nanaimo survey crew is responsible for the completion of topographic surveys and construction layout work for projects designed and constructed by City staff. They also deliver survey information to support other City departments. The survey crew provides in-field information so designs can be constructed to meet existing conditions. They work closely with the construction crews to provide survey construction layout.


The survey crew is only responsible for engineering surveying related to the City infrastructure and does not complete any legal survey work on private property. This type of work can only be done by a registered British Columbia Land Surveyor (BCLS). If you require any legal work on your property please contact a local BCLS.

Survey Monument Information

Nanaimo is situated in Integrated Survey Area (ISA) #20. The ISA boundaries are controlled by the Surveyor Generals Office and the published listings of the survey monuments are controlled by GeoBC. You can download monument coordinates on the GeoBC Management of Survey Control Operations and Tasks (MASCOT) website. Approximately 1200 survey monuments have been installed across Nanaimo, with the listings in Zone 10 UTM coordinates. The Surveyor General approves and publishes these results, and the ISA has enabled the City of Nanaimo to build a strong cadastral base for our growing Geographic Information System.

Last updated: June 20, 2024

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