Understanding Council Committee Structures

Work done by committees align with Council’s Strategic Plan

The work of committees typically aligns with Council’s strategic plan. 

Unless decision-making authority has been delegated to a committee by bylaw, Committees function solely as advisory bodies that provide recommendations to Council.

Legal framework for Select and Standing Committees determined by Provincial Legislation

The legal framework for Council Committees is set out in Provincial legislation. Under the Community Charter, there are two types of committees, Standing and Select.

Current Committees


Who determines committee structure?
The legal framework for Council committees is set-out in Provincial legislation through the Community Charter. There are two types of committees that can be formed, standing and select and they are covered under sections 141 and 142 of the Community Charter.

Is it true the Mayor has the sole authority to form Council committees and appoint and rescind a committee’s members?
No, the Mayor only has sole authority to form and appoint members to standing committees. Select committees are formed and members appointed by Council as a whole, by majority vote.

The authority to appoint a person under sections 141 and 142 of the Community Charter includes the authority to rescind the appointment at any time and appoint another person in their place (section 144 CC).

What is the difference between a standing committee and a select committee of Council?
A standing committee is formed by the Mayor. It is established for matters the Mayor considers would be better dealt with by committee. At least half the members of a standing committee must be Council members (section 141 CC).

A select committee is formed by the whole of Council to consider or inquire into any matter and report its findings and opinions to Council. Select committees must include at least one member of Council (section 142 CC).

Who determines the composition of select committees?
Select committees are formed and their members appointed by a majority vote of the Council members present at the meeting. Each Council member, including the Mayor, has one vote (section 123 CC).

Why would Council choose to use select committees?
Select committees allow Council to receive advice, ideas and feedback from persons other Council members and staff. The use of select committees provides opportunities for residents to get involved in municipal affairs and influence public policy.

What authority do committees have?
The decisions of all committees are subject to approval by Council, except where authority has been delegated. Council may delegate certain of its power, duties and functions to a select or standing committee of Council by bylaw [section 154 (1) CC].

Related Links:

Community Charter

City of Nanaimo Committees, Commissions, Boards

Last updated: July 30, 2024

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