August 30, 2021 Regular Council Summary

New Statutory Holiday

The new National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which will be celebrated annually on September 30th, will be deemed a statutory holiday for City staff and the Management Terms and Conditions of Employment Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7273.02 will be updated to reflect this for non-union employees.
Section 12a

Development Around Nanaimo

An Official Community Plan Amendment Application, to re-designate 54, 55, 65, 66, 69, 70, and 73 Prideaux Street and 503, 531, 605, 619 and 685 Comox Road from Neighbourhood to Urban Node, passed two readings. A Rezoning Application for 55, 65, 66, 69 and 73 Prideaux Street, to allow for increased building height and floor area to accommodate two multi-family affordable residential buildings, passed two readings. A third reading will be considered once the required conditions and covenants have been secured.
Section 12b

A Rezoning Application for 608 Sandy Court, to allow for a multi-family residential development, passed two readings. A third reading will be considered once the required conditions and covenants have been secured.
Section 12c

A Rezoning Application for 6643 Aulds Road, to allow for a multi-family residential development, passed two readings. A third reading will be considered once the required conditions and covenants have been secured.
Section 12d

A Development Permit for 6010 Hammond Bay Road, to allow for an affordable housing project, was approved. A related Housing Agreement Application passed 3 readings and a covenant reinforcing the terms of the Housing Agreement will be registered.
Section 12e

A Development Permit for 388 Machleary Street, to allow for a seniors’ congregate housing development, was approved.
Section 12f

A Development Permit for 400 Fitzwilliam Street, to allow for a mixed-use development at Wallace and Wentworth Street, was approved.
Section 12g

A Development Permit for 591 Bradley Street, to allow for a multi-family development within a watercourse setback, was denied.
Section 12h

Bylaw Amendment – Fire Protection and Life Safety Regulation

An amendment was made to the Fire Protection & Life Safety Regulation Bylaw giving delegated authority to the Fire Chief to enter into First Responder Training Agreements (on behalf of the City) with other local governments. The related Fees and Charges Bylaw was also amended to reflect the update.
Section 12j

Bylaw Updates

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2019 No. 4500.159 (To rezone 150 Esplanade and 155 Fry Street from Community Corridor [COR3] to Mixed Use Corridor [COR2]) was adopted.
Section 13a

Off-Street Parking Reserve Fund Establishing Bylaw 2021 No. 7328 (To establish a statutory reserve for cash-in-lieu payments received under “Off-Street Parking Regulations Bylaw 2018 No. 7266”) was adopted.
Section 13b

Housing Agreement Bylaw 2021 No. 7329 (To secure unit affordability) was adopted.
Section 13c

City of Nanaimo Fossil Fuel Divestment and Ethical Investment Strategy and Policy Development

Staff will be preparing a report on an investment policy and strategy which divest from fossil fuel companies in favour of fossil fuel free investment portfolios.
Section 15a

August 30, 2021 Regular Council Meeting - agenda, documents and video

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