January 14, 2019 Special Council Summary

Mayor’s Report
The 2019 Culture and Heritage awards recipients were announced with 2019 Honour in Culture Award going to Dean Chadwick, the 2019 Honour in Heritage Award going to the Nanaimo Historical Society and the 2019 Emerging Cultural Leader Award going to Nico Rhodes.

Councillor Bonner will attend the Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate on April 3 and 4, 2019 in Parksville. 
Sections 6 a, b

Funding for Performing Arts Centre
A borrowing bylaw for the Port Theatre to borrow up to $4.5 million for the construction of their performing arts centre passed three readings. The City will also contribute $100,000 toward building the centre.
Section 10 b

Culture and Heritage grants awarded
A total of $338,887 in Culture and Heritage and Culture and Heritage Project grant were awarded to non-profit culture and heritage organizations in the community.
Section 10 c

Exploring multi-year leases
The City will engage with local arts and culture groups who lease property from the City to determine if they would benefit from multi-year lease agreements in order to be eligible to apply for capitol project grant funding from senior levels of government. 
Section 14 c

Truth and Reconciliation Call-to-Action
The City will develop a plan that responds to the Trust and Reconciliation Call-to-Action #57.
Section 14 d

AVICC Resolutions
Council will take two resolutions to the upcoming Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities (AVICC) annual general meeting and convention. One resolution will be to change how development cost charges can be used and the other looks at allowing density brackets to be used when determining property tax rates.
Section 10 a

Community Child Care Planning Program 
Council endorsed an application to receive grant funding for the City and other local governments to create an inventory of existing child care spaces, identify child care space creation targets over the next ten years, and identify actions that can be taken to meet those space creation targets.
Section 10 d

Budget boost for pump station project
An additional $600,000 will be added to the budget for the Seventh Street pump station and force main project. 
Section 10 e

New Council committee 
A Governance and Priorities committee will be struck by Council with terms of reference to be developed by March 1, 2019.
Section 14 a

Appointees to Board of Variance
Allan Dick and Kenneth Hample have been appointed to the Board of Variance.
Section 14 e

Appointees to Protocol Agreement Working Group
Councillors Thorpe and Armstrong have been appointed to the Protocol Agreement Working Group. 
Section 14 f

Bylaw Updates
The 2019-2023 Financial Plan bylaw was adopted.
Section 11 a

January 14, 2019 Special Council Meeting - agenda, documents and video

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