April 25, 2022 Regular Council Summary


Jenn Houtby-Ferguson, Interim Executive Director for Tourism Nanaimo, presented Council with tourism updates on behalf of Tourism Nanaimo and the Nanaimo Hospitality Association. 

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Committee Recommendations

Council accepted the 2021 Annual Financial Statements for the City of Nanaimo.

Council added full implementation of a Downtown Nanaimo Safety Action Plan to the 2022 – 2026 Financial Plan effective July 1, 2022.

Council is supporting the City of Nanaimo’s bid to host the 2025 or 2026 55+ BC Games. An expenditure of $60,000 cash and $55,000 of in-kind will be committed if the Games are awarded.

Council increased the budget for the Oliver Woods Community Centre sound system upgrade in 2022 from $41,001 to $83,400.

Council increased the budget for the Park Avenue Sanitary Sewer Upgrades project in 2022 from $1,109,110 to $1,504,381.  

Council awarded a Permissive Tax Exemption for the 2022 taxation year to the Nanaimo Canadian Amateur Football Association for 6706 Dover Road, as well as a Permissive Tax Exemption Cash Grant with an approximate value of $890 for the 2022 taxation year for 6706 Dover Road.

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Sarah Lovegrove provided Council with a presentation regarding the overdose crisis and decriminalization of personal possession of illicit substances.
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Jason Wolfe, Director of Energy Solutions (Marketing & Sales) for Fortis BC, provided Council with a presentation on renewable gas.
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Shelley Serebrin, Nanaimo Climate Action Hub, Brian Short, First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo, and Frances Deverell, Council of Canadians – Mid-Island Chapter, provided Council with a presentation regarding low carbon energy systems for new builds in the City of Nanaimo.

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Dr. Deborah Curry, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, provided Council with a presentation regarding the health effects of fracking for natural gas.
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Council approved in principle the Sports Tourism Strategy.
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Bill Corsan, Director of Corporate and Business Development, provided Council with information on the Governance and Service Model for the Tourism Nanaimo Society. Councillors Maartman and Bonner were appointed as Council representatives to the society’s Board of Directors.
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Development around Nanaimo

A Development Permit, with variances, was issued for 345 Newcastle Avenue and 360 Stewart Avenue, to allow for a 17-unit multi-family residential development.
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A Development Permit, with variances, was issued for 4771 Hammond Bay Road, to allow for a five-unit, multi-family residential townhouse development.
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A motion to approve an Official Community Plan amendment application for 1300, 1320, 1336, 1340, 1344 and 1348 Island Highway South, to allow for commercial retail and light industrial uses, was defeated.

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Council adopted the Neighbourhood Association Supports Policy and approved the creation of a Neighbourhood Grant Program with a $10,000 annual budget to be included in the 2023 – 2027 Draft Financial Plan.
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Council was provided the results of the petition against process for the Old City Quarter Business Improvement Area Bylaw 2022 No. 7339.

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Bylaw Updates

"Old City Quarter Business Improvement Area Bylaw 2022 No. 7339” (To establish a Business Improvement Area in the Old City Quarter) was adopted.
Section 13a

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