This week provide your thoughts on the Metral Drive Complete Streets project, the Economic Development Task Force has its first meeting and we are out and about for the month of December! Read on!
New curbside collection calendars
Watch your mail box in the coming weeks for your copy of the 2020 curbside collection calendar. We also have the Nanaimo Recycles app to send you collection updates and reminders so you never forget a garbage/recycling day again! Download it for free from the App Store or Google Play.
Don't have a smart phone? No problem! You can set up telephone reminders on the Garbage & Recycling Calendar page on the City website or by calling Public Works at 250-758-5222.
Complete Streets - tell us what you think!
The design plans are in and we want to hear from you! In 2020, the City will be redesigning the Metral Drive corridor into a complete street making it a more comfortable road for cars, transit, pedestrians and cyclists to travel on. You may be asking why Metral Drive? The City will be upgrading the water main under the road and the road itself making it a great opportunity to redesign the street.
Have a look at the design plans and take the survey by December 13.
Provide feedback on your child care needs
The City of Nanaimo has partnered with the District of Lantzville, City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach and the Regional District of Nanaimo to undertake a study of child care needs in our community. Part of this study includes hearing from the community on needs and requirements for child care.
If you are a parent or caregiver, fill out this survey.
Child care providers and employees are invited to take this survey.
Out and About!
We're out and about with Nanaimo Parks and Recreation for December! Watch the video below to see all the seasonal fun taking place. View other City of Nanaimo videos on our YouTube Channel.
Upcoming Community Events:
- Thursday, December 12: Musical Entertainment, 1:30 to 3 pm in the Bowen Park Auditorium. This week features Flashback Freddy.
- Saturday, December 14: Starlight Skate, 7 to 9 pm in Nanaimo Ice Centre
For a look at more City-related events, visit
This week’s Council and Committee Meetings
A shout out to everyone who attended (in person and online) and participated in last week's eTown Hall! This was the first time we streamed the meeting on Facebook Live in addition to the regular Council meeting streaming on our website and broadcast on Shaw Community Channel 4. We received a variety of excellent questions related to the budget and had some great discussion. See you at the next one!
This week begins with the inaugural meeting for the Economic Development Task Force, a budget-focused Finance and Audit Committee meeting and a Design Advisory Panel meeting on Thursday.
- Monday, December 9: Special Economic Development Task Force Meeting at 9 am in the Service and Resource Centre Boardroom, 411 Dunsmuir Street
- Monday, December 9: Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting at 11 am in the Service and Resource Centre Boardroom, 411 Dunsmuir Street
- Monday, December 9: Special Finance and Audit Committee Meeting at 3 pm in the Service and Resource Centre Boardroom, 411 Dunsmuir Street
- Wednesday, December 11: Health and Housing Task Force Meeting at 3 pm in the Service and Resource Centre Boardroom, 411 Dunsmuir Street
- Thursday, December 12: Design Advisory Panel Meeting at 5 pm in the Service and Resource Centre Boardroom, 411 Dunsmuir Street
Visit the Meetings, Documents and Videos page on the City website to view upcoming meetings, agendas and past meeting videos or visit the Council Meeting Summaries page to read a recap of decisions made in previous meetings.

Here's a recap of City-related news from last week: