City to review building permit function, due to strong development activity


The City of Nanaimo has been experiencing strong development activity in recent years, which has placed a high and sustained demand on the services of the Building Inspection Section.

In keeping with the City’s commitment to service excellence and continuous improvement, a Building Permit Function Review is being conducted starting in October of 2020 to ensure that the City's building review process remains efficient and effective.

The Building Permit Function Review will include an analysis of current City of Nanaimo building permit processes, consideration of building permit processes at comparable municipalities, interviews with representatives from the building industry, homeowners, and business owners who have applied for building permits, as well as Staff at various levels of the City. The review will also build on improvements identified through the Development Process Review Committee, the Core Services Review, and more recent process and technology improvements implemented following the COVID-19 pandemic declaration.

Link to Strategic Plan: The City is committed to reviewing processes to help strengthen the economic health and livability of Nanaimo.

Key Points

  • The City’s Building Inspections Section reviews building permit applications within a framework of municipal policies and bylaws, and Provincial regulations and statutes.
  • In addition to building permit processing and administration of the building bylaw, additional services provided by the City’s Building Inspections Section include liquor occupant load calculation, business license referrals, securing works and services, covenant conditions, development permit conditions, and the administration of development cost charges.


"Nanaimo is a great place to live, work, recreate and invest in which is evident with the impressive development activity we have been experiencing. A review of the City's Building Inspections Section functions will help the building industry prosper and contribute to our City's economic health and livability. "

City of Nanaimo

"The work of Building Inspection is challenging, constantly evolving and influenced by many external factors, such as building code revisions and changes to legislation. We are committed to continuous improvement and this review will provide an opportunity to consider options to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our work to better serve our customers and support the economy."

Director, Development Approvals
City of Nanaimo


Jeremy Holm
Director, Development Approvals
City of Nanaimo
(250) 755-4445

Print News Release

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