City sees strong growth in first six months of 2018


The City of Nanaimo is on target to meet or exceed development numbers for 2018. A number of large-scale applications such as subdivision, development permits and building permits are currently being processed. These include a significant number of market and non-market residential developments within our major urban centres.

The amount of residential units to date totals 511 with 157 of them being single family dwellings and 89 of those having installed suites. The total construction value of the residential units in the first half of 2018 was $104.5 million.

In 2017, the total value of building construction was over $203 million making it the fourth year in a row where the construction value was higher than $200 million. For more information on development growth in Nanaimo, visit

Link to Strategic Plan: Densification through infill projects and mixed-use spaces throughout the city meets the goals of the Official Community Plan (OCP).

Key Points

  • The strong construction trend experienced in Nanaimo over the last four years continues into 2018.
  • Construction value for the first half of the year totalled $112,590,000.
  • Many of the development projects being processed are large-scale, multiple-dwelling-unit structures with a range of affordable housing options.
  • Projects are city-wide, with a number focused in urban nodes and the town centre.


"Construction value in the City has consistently exceeded the $200 million mark for the last four years and, so far, 2018 is on pace to meet that target with real potential we may see our strongest year yet. We are currently seeing a number of exciting projects that represent significant investment in the community and will ultimately result in new services and housing options for our residents."

Director, Community Development
City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • Permits issued in 2017 allowed for the construction of 856 residential units which includes 307 new single detached dwellings.


Dale Lindsay
Director of Community Development
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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