Woodgrove Area Plan

The purpose of the Woodgrove Area Plan project is to provide more detailed land use and policy guidance for land within the Woodgrove Secondary Urban Centre. The Plan is intended to build on City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined and the Nanaimo Framework of Five City Goals.
Scope Area
The scope area for the Woodgrove Area Plan includes the boundaries of the Woodgrove Secondary Urban Centre, as shown here: Woodgrove Area Plan Boundary. The boundaries reflect those shown on Schedule 2: Future Land Use Designation of City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined. However, as the Woodgrove area currently serves both a citywide and regional function, a wider lens will be cast for the purposes of preparing the Area Plan.
The objectives of the Woodgrove Area Plan are as follows:
- Build on City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined desired outcomes, policies, and public input;
- Refine the vision and desired outcomes for the study area that will guide its evolution over the next 25 years, within the context of the new Provincial Housing Legislation;
- Develop a future growth concept and development policies for where and how new development can be integrated into the scope area over time (if/when development is proposed);
- Identify implementation actions and monitoring to determine what infrastructure and public amenity investments are needed to realize the growth concept; and,
- Produce a Woodgrove Area Plan document that represents the community visions for growth for the area and acts as a tool for the development community in realizing that vision.
Project Timeline
The Woodgrove Area Plan project launched in January 2025 and is scheduled to be completed by the first quarter of 2026. Check back for updates to the project timeline.
Have Any Questions?
Feel free to reach out to staff if you have any questions on this project.
Kasia Biegun | Project Manager
T: 250.755.4434
E: kasia.biegun@nanaimo.ca
- Progress
JANUARY 2025 | On January 20, 2025, Staff presented an update on the Woodgrove Area Plan project.
2025. 01.20 - Staff Report: Woodgrove Area Plan Update
2025.01.20 - Council Meeting Video | Woodgrove Area Plan Update
- Documents
Woodgrove Area Plan Documents
2025.01.20 - Staff Report to Council | Woodgrove Area Plan Update
2025.01.20 - Council Meeting Video | Woodgrove Area Plan Update
Background Documents
- Details
- Background
City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined identifies six Secondary Urban Centres that are envisioned to be Nanaimo’s primary hubs of activity with the highest intensity of land uses and an increased mix of uses and forms appropriate for each centre. Each Secondary Urban Centre is intended to be a complete community that includes housing, employment, services, and amenities, and allows for daily needs to be met without the requirement for travel outside the Urban Centre.
City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined provides direction on preparing Area Plans for Urban Centres. The Area Plans are intended to be a tool to manage development and provide more detailed policy direction on a range of matters including land use; transportation; servicing; parks, recreation, culture and wellness; and plan implementation. Council has prioritized the preparation of an Area Plan for the Woodgrove Secondary Urban Centre in the Integrated Action Plan:
“Priority Action #196: Prepare an Area Plan for the Woodgrove Secondary Urban Centre that provides detailed land use, policy guidance, infrastructure planning, and amenity needs”.
Transit-Oriented Area
A portion of the Woodgrove Secondary Urban Centre is subject to the Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw. For more information, visit the Transit-Oriented Areas webpage.
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