White Eagle Terrace – Sanitary Sewer Upgrades

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Each year the City of Nanaimo (City) undertakes capital improvement projects driven by growth, development, asset management, and other priority-based frameworks. As part of the City’s strategic planning process the 5-year Capital Plan identifies these projects and prioritizes annual construction work to complete the required improvements. The existing sanitary sewer at the end of White Eagle Terrace has been identified to have deteriorated past its useful asset life and needs to be replaced.

 The project will include the removal and replacement of an existing 450mm diameter sanitary sewer main located at end of White Eagle Terrace. The replacement pipe will be approximately 100m long and will start at White Eagle Terrace following a new alignment through a section of public land between two properties. It will then descend down a steep slope to the foreshore to connect to the RDN’s existing sanitary trunk sewer which is aligned along the Departure Bay waterfront. The slope and walkway area will be restored and includes the following:

  • Armouring the slope with angular rock once the installation is completed to stabilize the slope from further erosion.
  • Infilling the slope with soil and plantings to naturalize and further stabilize the area
  • Installing a 3m paved asphalt trailway from the end of White Eagle Terrace connecting to the remaining walkway down to the foreshore. 

Project Area

The project area for the sewer upgrade is shown below. For the duration of construction, the end of White Eagle Terrace will be fenced off and access to the foreshore via the existing trailway will be unavailable for most of the project.

Project Area
Click on the image above for a larger version.

For more information, see the tabs below. The project is currently scheduled to be completed from June to August 2021.


If you have any comments or questions about the proposed improvements, please contact us at 250-755-4495 or email White.Eagle.Sewer@nanaimo.ca.

  • Progress

    May 2022:

    • Notice of Project delivered to local residents
    • Procuring materials for construction.
    • Currently scheduled to start construction in early June.
  • Documents
  • Details

    White Eagle Terrace Sanitary Sewer Upgrades FAQ

    Q1: Why is this upgrade required?

    The existing sewer utility has reached the end of its useful life and needs to be upgraded to support future growth in the City, and ensure wastewater is conveyed in a safe, effective, and sustainable way. 

    Q2: What do the sewer improvements include? 

    The new sewer being installed is a seamless 400mm diameter HDPE pipe that will follow a steep slope alignment from the top of White Eagle Terrace down to the foreshore. This pipe material is suited to installation on steep slopes and sewage conveyance in marine environments.

    A flow metering location is also being installed on the new pipe to accurately capture sewage volumes being generated in the City. This provides valuable information for asset management and future growth planning.

    Some minor improvements to the trailway area will include blackberry removals, improved grading, and a new asphalt trail connection to the roadway.

    Q3: Will the trail access from the end of White Eagle Terrace down to the foreshore be affected?

    Given the location of the proposed sewer upgrade, and limited space available for construction equipment and materials, the trail access from the end of White Eagle Terrace to the foreshore of Departure Bay will be closed for June and most of July.

    It will be reopened near the end of construction when it is safe to do so for trail users and local residents. Check back under project updates under the Progress TAB.

    Q4: What is the impact to the environment from construction?

    Construction activities in the upland area will include tree removals, excavation of existing soils and pipe bedding and placement. Several trees have already been removed; a few more danger trees will be removed just prior to construction. These trees will be cleared for bird nesting by a registered professional biologist before removal.

    Work in the foreshore area (intertidal zone) will require access of heavy equipment on the beach, excavation and replacement of foreshore substrate, and placement of the pipe.

    The most challenging work will occur along the foreshore where the new pipe will tie into the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) sanitary trunk sewer alignment. This will include trenching and working within intertidal marine habitat. It will also require the use of heavy equipment within the foreshore for excavation, pipe placement and substrate placement. Because the work will result in only temporary disturbance to the intertidal habitat and the habitat value was determined to be relatively low, it is expected that after the construction works the disturbed area will settle and re-colonize with no lasting negative impacts.

     This project will not result in any impacts to sensitive marine fish habitat such as eelgrass or kelp, or impacts to fish during the installation of the pipe. The work can be completed during low tide conditions and will not require any machines to be working during tidal inundation of the work space.

    Q5: How much will the improvements cost?

    The total project budget is approximately $250,000.

    Q6: When will this be built?

    Construction will start in June 2022 and is anticipated to last until August.

    Q7: How can I provide my input or comments?

    For any comments or questions on the proposed upgrades on this project, please contact us at 250-755-4495 or email White.Eagle.Sewer@nanaimo.ca

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