Community Amenity Contribution Review

The new Community Amenity Contribution Policy can be found at this link: 

CACs are voluntary contributions, such as parkland or bus shelters, provided by developers at the time of a rezoning application when additional development rights are requested. Developers provide amenities or money to purchase amenities, as a way of ensuring the proposed development is making a reasonably balanced contribution to the neighbourhood and community at large. The City’s Official Community Plan and Neighbourhood Plan policies encourage the provision of amenities as part of rezoning applications, and contain recommendations identifying the amenities that are needed or desired for the City. These recommendations have assisted Staff and developers during the CAC negotiation process to ensure CAC funds are directed to amenities that are reflective of community priorities.

For the past ten years or more developers have provided $1,000 per residential unit as a community amenity contribution, and this money is used towards amenities in the community. Since 2010 the City has collected over $1.8 million in CAC funds which has been used for many parks and infrastructure improvements, as well as directing money to the Housing Legacy Reserve fund for affordable housing initiatives.

For more information contact: Lisa Brinkman (Planner) at 250-755-4460 ext. 4332 or email



  • Progress
    • In January 2020, the City retained land economist Rollo & Associates Ltd. to provide an analysis and recommendations for new CAC rates that are market-driven and reflect the financial realities of development in the city of Nanaimo. The Rollo report, Nanaimo Community Amenity Contribution Study (July 2020), provides case study information regarding the CAC rates of comparable municipalities in B.C., a financial analysis of the City’s land values and development market, and recommendations for residential CAC rates in Nanaimo.
    • Staff drafted a new CAC policy for the City utilizing both the Rollo report and the Provincial guideline document, Community Amenity Contributions: Balancing Community Planning, Public Benefits and Housing Affordability (2014).
    • In the Fall of 2020, Staff conducted a consultation process with representatives from the Nanaimo development community to obtain their feedback on the draft CAC Policy. Staff held three meetings with the development community, and have revised the CAC Policy to address their comments and concerns.
    • The CAC Policy was presented to the Governance and Priorities Committee (GPC) March 8, 2021 for consideration.
    • Community consultation occurred during April and May 2021 with active Neighbourhood Associations and representatives from the Nanaimo development community.
    • The input received and the CAC Policy was presented to the Governance and Priorities Committee (GPC) on July 12, 2021 for consideration. 
    • In July 2021 Council directed Staff to conduct further research , and an updated CAC Policy was considered again by the Governance and Priorities Committee at their meeting on November 8th 2021.
    • Council endorsed the CAC policy at their Council Meeting on November 15th, 2021.
  • Documents
  • Details
  • Background

    In 2012, Council endorsed the City’s CAC practice of collecting $1,000 per residential unit and $34/m2 of commercial and industrial floor area, and these rates are still being used for CAC negotiations with applicants for rezoning proposals and covenant amendments involving a change in land use or density. Market realities have changed significantly since this practice started, thus Council directed Staff to review the CAC rates for rezoning and covenant amendment applications where additional development rights are requested.

    From 2010 to 2020, the City collected $1,858,946 in CAC funds, which has allowed for significant amenity benefits throughout the city. The allocation of these funds, as negotiated through application reviews, has resulted in 66% of all monetary contributions being directed to parks and infrastructure, 30% to the Housing Legacy Reserve Fund, and 4% to other City initiatives. CAC funds have been used for improvements within many parks, including Neck Point Park, McGirr Sports Complex, Monashee Park, Harewood Centennial Youth Park, Westwood Lake Park, Fern Road Park, Noye Park, Harewood Skate Park, and Linley Valley Park.

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