
My Nanaimo This Week - September 9-15, 2019

Sep 09, 2019

My Nanaimo This Week Header Image

Welcome to the first edition of My Nanaimo This Week! Here you will find a snap shot of the upcoming week and a recap of last week's news.

This week, show your support with the Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research; expect delays on your commute in the Hammond Bay, Bruce Avenue and Seventh Street areas; and Council is in session on Monday. Read on to discover what else to expect.

Around the City

It's that time of year again, back to school! As you settle back into routine after the lazy days of summer, make sure to slow down in school zones and watch out for kids walking and cycling to and from school. 

Did you know?

The City of Nanaimo is on Instagram! Find us at "cityofnanaimo" where we will provide City-related updates and showcase our beautiful community through photos. Share your Nanaimo photos by adding #MyNanaimo!

Upcoming Community Events

  • Saturday, September 14: Starlight Skate, 7-9 p.m. in the Nanaimo Ice Centre, 750 Third Street
  • Sunday, September 15: Terry Fox Run, 10 a.m. start in Bowen Park, 500 Bowen Road
  • Sunday, September 22: Rivers Day, 11 am to 3 pm in Maffeo Sutton Park

Find a complete list of City-related events at


Plan your commute accordingly this week! The following routes will be affected by City construction projects:

Find more information on these and other City construction projects at 

Map Image Map data ©2019 Imagery ©2019 , CNES / Airbus, IMTCAN, Landsat / Copernicus, Maxar Technologies, Nanaimo, Parksville, SCRD, USDA Farm Service Agency  Council and Committees

What's New

This week, Council will consider a new Economic Development model at their meeting on Monday night and will discuss the topic of Strategic Policy Development for 2020 in their Governance and Priorities meeting.

Visit the Meetings, Documents and Videos page on the City website to view meeting agendas and videos. 

Stay up to date with Council and Committees by reading summaries of decisions made posted the day after their meetings. 

Council Meeting Summaries

Committee Meeting Summaries

Meetings This Week

In the News

Here's a recap of City-related news from last week:


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