May 15, 2023 Regular Council Summary

Rise and Report

Council has appointed Jonathan Behnke, Landscape Architect, to the Design Advisory Panel.
Section 7a


Lisa Fletcher, Officer in Charge, Nanaimo RCMP, provided Council with the RCMP Annual Update

Section 8a

Consent Items

  • Staff were directed to prepare an information report on City Plan policy C1.1.8, (including a legal review) outlining whether a development permit area can be established to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by developing guidelines for machinery, equipment and systems external to buildings and other structures that limit the use of high carbon energy systems, such as natural gas. 
  • Staff were directed to prepare an information report on City Plan policy C1.1.8, which includes a legal review, on low carbon energy system bylaws and that the report provide information on the appropriate steps for establishing such a bylaw in Nanaimo and the degree to which the City can regulate fossil fuel-based energy systems.  
  • Recommendations 1 to 3 of the Mayor's Leaders' Table Doughnut Economics Working Group will be incorporated into the Integrated Action Plan and a report will be prepared for Council outlining an implementation schedule for the remaining recommendations. 

Section 10a


Representatives from the Ballenas Housing Society and the Salvation Army spoke regarding a potential affordable housing project on Bruce Avenue and Eighth Street.
Section 11a,b


The Parks, Recreation and Culture Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw, to incorporate the new classification system and price structure, passed three readings readings.
Section 12a

A Development Permit with variances was issued for 1861 East Wellington Road, to allow for an industrial warehouse development. 
Section 12b

A Development Permit with variances was issued for 921 Terminal Avenue North, to allow for a multi-family development.
Section 12c

A Housing Agreement Bylaw for 2345 Kenworth Road, to allow a 40-unit personal care facility in order to permit a 50% reduction in the development cost charges, passed three readings. Staff will register a covenant on the title of the land to reinforce the terms of the housing agreement.

Section 12d

Bylaw Updates

“Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 4500.190” (To rezone 608 Sandy Court from Single Dwelling Residential [R1] to Three and Four Unit Residential [R5]) was adopted.

Section 13a

Other Business

Staff will prepare a report back to Council with options to expand funding to the Vandalism Relief Grant fund, and that the grant program be amended to allow properties/businesses to apply more than twice per year, and to receive up to $2500 per incident, up to a maximum of $5000 per year.
Section 15a

An information report will be prepared that provides background on municipally owned development corporations, their purpose and governance structures; the steps required for establishing a development corporation in British Columbia; and high-level costs and considerations associated with establishing a municipally owned development corporation in Nanaimo.

The report on development corporations will be brought to a Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting for discussion prior to 2024 budget deliberations, and topic matter experts will be identified and invited to provide information at the meeting.
Section 14b

Staff will prepare a report on options to regulate the use of controlled substances in public spaces including a summary of steps being proposed in other British Columbia communities following Provincial decriminalization.
Section 14c

Councillor Brown will be permitted to attend the PIBC (Planning Institute of British Columbia) Annual conference.
Section 14d

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