Annual catch basin cleaning program set to begin

Crews set to clean around 10,000 catch basins in Nanaimo


Beginning Monday, April 19, 2021, City of Nanaimo Public Works staff and contractors will be out cleaning the City's inventory of stormwater catch basins.

Starting in the Duke Point area, crews will work their way north on the east side to Dickinson Road then back south on the west side of the city to Cinnabar Valley. This work involves large equipment, please approach with caution and obey traffic control personnel's directions. The annual catch basin cleaning program is expected to be complete by August 2021.

Link to Strategic Plan: The catch basin cleaning program promotes the City's priorities of Governance Excellence and Environmental Responsibility through the regular maintenance and inspection of City assets and diverting pollutants from waterways.

Key Points

  • During the program storm sewer grates are pulled off and the catch basin is then cleaned out using a vacuum truck. The material is then separated from any water, dried and taken to the landfill.
  • Groess Environmental was contracted to conduct this year's catch basin cleaning program with City of Nanaimo Public Works staff.
  • Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are asked to watch for crews and traffic control personal on the roads, and be aware of missing grates near the work zone.


"This is a beneficial annual maintenance program that not only helps to divert pollutants from waterways, it also supports the City's asset management goals by identifying any deficiencies that may need repairing."

General Manager, Engineering & Public Works
City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • Approximately 10,000 catch basins are expected to be cleaned.


For media enquiries, please contact
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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