City invites applications for 2021 Culture Grants
Three funding streams provide support to local organizations
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed September 11, 2020 10:00 AM
The City of Nanaimo is now accepting applications for funding assistance to support the 2021 activities of non-profit community organizations. Funds are available in three streams:
These funding opportunities provide support for a range of activities including arts and culture programs and events that generate social, cultural and economic impact, and contribute to vibrancy and quality of life for residents and visitors to Nanaimo. In 2020, over 45 local organizations received funds through these three grant streams.
Guidelines, criteria and application forms are available online at or by contacting Culture & Events directly at 250-755-4483 or
Applicants are encouraged to carefully review program eligibility requirements and ensure that they have completed all outstanding reporting on funds received in previous years. Members of the City’s Culture & Events team are available by phone and email to respond to questions in advance of the application deadline.
Submissions are due on Monday, October 19, 2020. This year, for convenience, applications will be accepted by email.
Link to Strategic Plan: Grants administered through Culture & Events contribute to “Livability” by supporting arts and cultural activities and events as an integral part of everyday life in Nanaimo. These three funding streams align with the City’s “Cultural Plan for a Creative Nanaimo 2014-2020” and provide both operating and project-based funds to support non-profit organizations, enabling them to leverage funding from other sources and deliver programs, services and events that contribute to community vitality.
Key Points
- Non-profit organizations can apply for funding to assist with their 2021 operations, projects, or events.
- Applicants are encouraged to carefully review program eligibility requirements and ensure that they have completed all outstanding reporting on funds received in previous years.
- Deadline for applications is October 19, 2020.
"The projects, events and services that the City of Nanaimo supports through grant funds make this a great place to call home and positions Nanaimo as an attractive destination for newcomers and visitors. We are delighted to be able to help dedicated, creative non-profit organizations make a difference and make great things happen here."
"We know how essential this funding is, and how non-profit community organizations stretch and leverage this investment from the City to create real impact, both locally and beyond Nanaimo. In terms of Culture & Events at the City, we play the role of funder, connector, convenor, and enabler, and recognize the value that diverse and independent non-profit organizations create for our communities."
View guidelines and 2021 application form online
View guidelines and 2021 application form online
View guidelines and 2021 application form online
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