Nanaimo receives $120,000 provincial grant to support new cycling facilities

The Province's BikeBC program to help fund cycling upgrades on Boundary Avenue


The City of Nanaimo will receive $120,000 of BikeBC provincial funding to support cycling improvements as part of the Boundary Corridor Transportation Improvement Project. This project includes a number of transportation improvements for all road users including vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and transit. It will develop bike lanes from Northfield to Bowen roads and implement the City's first buffered bike lane and separated cycle track; new cycling facilities that will make cycling more comfortable for more people. Once completed, it will provide a north-south link between some of the City's largest cycling destinations, including the E&N Trail, Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH) and Vancouver Island University (VIU).

The Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan, approved by Council last spring, supports the development of a comprehensive cycling network and includes the Boundary Ave. corridor as a priority project. Through the development of quality cycling facilities, the City has been able to leverage senior government funding for this project via its successful BikeBC grant application.

Link to Strategic Plan: This project supports the Transportation and Mobility priorities within the 2012-2015 Corporate Strategic Plan by encouraging alternative methods of transportation and is identified as a priority project within the short term cycling network of the Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan.

Key Points

  • The City of Nanaimo will receive $120,000 from the Province to help build the Boundary Corridor Transportation Improvement Project scheduled for construction in 2015.
  • Cycling improvements along the Boundary Ave. Corridor will provide a north-south link between some the City's largest cycling destinations, including the E&N Trail, NRGH and VIU.


"Ongoing support for cycling throughout Nanaimo with improved bike access and safer infrastructure is an important priority for this Council. Receiving this provincial grant will give staff an additional source of funding to carry out the goals and objectives contained in the Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan."

City of Nanaimo

"When completed, this project will link the E&N trail at Northfield Rd. to the Hospital and the University with high quality facilities that meet the needs of a wide range of cyclists. This will encourage more people to cycle to these important destinations."

Manager of Transportation
City of Nanaimo


Gordon Foy
Manager of Transportation
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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