
Invasive Plant Month: Caring for Nanaimo's Natural Heritage

May 06, 2016

May is Invasive Plant Awareness Month in Nanaimo. This is the fourth year the City has held this month to bring awareness of the effects of invasive plants in Nanaimo's parks. 

Invasive plants can negatively impact the natural diversity of an area. Plants such as Scotch broom can have a devastating effect where it spreads. Brought to BC from Scotland as a garden ornamental, Scotch Broom has become an aggressive and damaging invasive plant. In the areas it spreads to it lowers plant and wildlife diversity and is a potential wildfire hazard.


Some invasive plants, like Giant Hogweed, are toxic to humans and animals. If its sap gets on the skin it can burn it when exposed to the sunlight.


We are fortunate live in such a naturally beautiful place and have access to many parks and trails. So, what can you do so everyone can continue to enjoy Nanaimo's natural areas?

Sign up for one of the work parties happening during Invasive Plant Awareness Month. Or, start your own invasive plant clean up group through our Partners in Parks program. Neighbourhoods, school clubs and other community groups work together under this program to remove invasive plants and restore areas affected by invasive plants in Nanaimo's parks back to their natural state. 




Invasive Plant Awareness Month Poster

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