January 20, 2025 Regular Council Summary

Rise and Report

Council appointed the following as members-at-large to the Nanaimo Performing Arts Guild, for a two-year term: Arlene Blundell, Holly Bright, Bonnie Catterson, Jason Friesen, Jacqui Kaese, Samantha Letourneau, Sara McLeod, Bill Miner, Gregory Segal and Wendy Wearne.


Mayor Krog presented the Freedom of the City Award to John Ruttan. The former Mayor and prominent community leader was honoured with the award recognizing his dedication to community service for over six decades.

Mayor Krog and members of Nanaimo Council present John Ruttan with the Freedom of the City award

Quarterly updates were provided by the following organizations:

Consent Items

Recommendation from the December 18, 2024 Public Safety Committee meeting:

Council will continue to advocate to the Provincial Government for funding for the Nanaimo Restorative Justice Program.
Section 10.a.1

A motion to invite representatives of the Newcastle Community Association to attend a Public Safety Committee meeting was deferred until after a discussion takes place at a future Governance and Priorities Committee meeting regarding delegations, question period and other matters which are outlined within Council’s Procedure Bylaw.
Section 10.a.2


Council passed three readings of a new False Alarm Bylaw, along with related amendments to the Fees and Charges and Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaws. The intent of the new bylaw, which would see an increase to fees and fines for property owners who have repeated false alarms, is to limit the amount of false alarms by encouraging property owners to make sure their alarm systems are installed and maintained correctly.
Section 12a

A Development Variance Permit was issued for 395 Chesterlea Avenue, to allow for a second storey addition to an existing accessory building.
Section 12b

Staff provided an update and timeline for a number of Planning and Development projects which will take place this year. Details on each project can be found in the staff reports which are linked below:

Section 12c-f

Council endorsed the concept plan for 933 Park Avenue (also known as Five Acre Farm) as a long-term site vision for the property.
Section 12g

Council received $46,100 in funding through the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Community Anniversaries Program grant for Luminous Paths: Nanaimo’s 150 and Beyond event.
Section 12h

Bylaw Updates

"Financial Plan Bylaw 2024, No. 7389" (to confirm and adopt the 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan) was adopted.
Section 13a

"Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 4500.233" (a bylaw to amend the short-term rental regulations) was adopted.
Section 13b

“Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 7336.13” (a bylaw to add fees and charges for the Finance Department) was adopted.
Section 13c

Other Business

Council will provide a letter of support to the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of British Columbia for the PROJECT HOPE initiative.
Section 14a

Council will provide a letter of support to the World Leisure Centre of Excellence at Vancouver Island University for their application to the World Leisure Organization to host the 2028 World Leisure Congress.
Section 14b

January 20, 2025 Regular Council Summary – agenda, documents and video

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