May 16, 2022 Regular Council Summary

Rise and Report

Council has appointed Kevin Krastel, Marie Leduc and Kaien Shimizu as at-large members on the Design Advisory Panel for a three-year term.

Section 7a

Committee Recommendations

Council endorsed the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness’ motion to support, in principle, the Design Commercial project concept with the following suggestions to consider:
  • Smooth road surfaces (not textured);
  • Accessible washrooms, especially during events; 
  • Ensure branches from trees are trimmed so that they do not hang below a minimum of seven feet; and
  • Encourage the business community to make their businesses fully accessible.

Section 10a

Council provided support to the proposed amendments to the draft City Plan outlined in Attachment A and Attachment B, including the recommendation to change the buffer between industrial lands and the Cable Bay Trail from 50 metres to an average of 100 metres. 

Council also supported adding a new policy under section C1.1 of the Draft City Plan to support, prioritize and advocate for low-carbon energy systems in all new construction.

Section 10b

Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct Bylaw, Ethics Commissioner Establishment Bylaw and Oath of Office Bylaw for Elected Officials all passed three readings. Council also endorsed amendments to the Council Spending and Amenities Policy related to code of conduct breaches and attendance at meetings. 

The policy changes follow a BC government amendment to Community Charter legislation requiring Councils to develop new, or review existing, Codes of Conduct. The bylaws and amendments will take effect October 15, 2022.
Section 12a

Downtown Safety Action Plan

Council received the Downtown Nanaimo Community Safety Action Plan which outlines measures for the City to take in addressing social problems in the downtown core.

Section 12b

Grant Application

Council directed staff to submit an application to Clean BC’s Clean Communities Fund (CCF) for mechanical renewal at the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre. If the grant is successful, the $5,600,000 project would be funded from a $4,106,480 CCF grant, $1,093,520 from the Facility Development Reserve Fund and $400,000 from the Climate Action Reserve Fund.

Section 12c

Development around Nanaimo

A Development Permit was issued for 6330 McRobb Avenue, to allow for a multi-family rental residential development. 

Section 12d

Bylaw Updates

"Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 4500.187" (To rezone the properties at 2220, 2232, 2238, 2246, 2254 Northfield Road, and 2230 Boxwood Road from Single Dwelling Residential [R1], Duplex Residential [R4], Medium Density Residential [R8], and Community Service One [CS1] to Mixed Use Corridor [COR2] with site-specific maximum gross floor area for a grocery store) was adopted.

Section 13a

Council-Led motions

Council directed Staff to:
  1. Pursue the inclusion of space for a new primary care clinic in future public projects, such as the South End Community Centre; and
  2. Deliver a report on the possible expansion of the NAC Youth Hub model of primary care to other populations and locations in the City.
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