April 8, 2024 Regular Council Summary

Rise and Report

Diana Johnstone was appointed as President and Mary Smith as Vice-President for the 2025 British Columbia 55+ Games, which will be hosted in Nanaimo. The former Visitor Information Centre at 2450 Northfield Road will be used as a Games Headquarters for planning and implementing the games. 

Section 7a


Paige Pierce, the City’s new Youth Poet Laureate, provided Council with an introduction and gave a poetry reading. 

Section 8a

Donna Hais, representing the Fair Care Alliance, gave a presentation regarding the critical need for Provincial funding and supports at the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. 

Section 8b

Andrew Thornton (Nanaimo Systems Planning Organization), Vicky Trill and Jane Ruston (United Way BC) provided Council with an overview of the 2023 Nanaimo Homeless Point-in-Time CountThe report shows a 18.9% increase in the number of individuals experiencing homelessness in Nanaimo from 2020.

Section 8c

Consent Items

  • Council accepted an invitation to host the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities (AVICC) conference at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in 2025. The event will be co-hosted with the Regional District of Nanaimo with costs for the City and RDN totaling $24,000 each. Going forward, Nanaimo will consider hosting the conference every two years and costs will be budgeted to reflect this.
  • Council increased the 2024 budget for the 580 Fitzwilliam Renovation Project by $150,000, funded from the RCMP Contract Reserve.
  • Council set the property tax due dates and rates. The first due date is the first business day in July, after which a penalty rate of 2% will be applied. The second due date is after the last business day in August, after which a penalty rate of 8% will be applied.
  • Council endorsed using $619,936 in funding provided by the Province to support the City in meeting the legislative requirements of Housing Bills 44, 46 and 47.
  • Council supported a grant application to the Local Government Development Approvals Program for the Development Approvals Business Analysis and Process Improvements Project. 
  • Council supported changes to the user rates for parks and open spaces, fee implementation dates and field classification changes. An amendment to the Fees and Charges Bylaw will be brought forward for Council endorsement.
  • Council awarded an “in-kind” facility rental “other grant” to the Nanaimo Science & Sustainability Society to cover the costs of up to 105 hours for the use of outdoor City Park spaces. 
  • Council approved reallocating $6,000 in Culture & Event Project Grant funding to ACT Theatre (Canada Society dba Artists’ Collective Theatre).
  • Geotechnical Guidelines Review was added as a topic for the May 13 Governance and Priorities Committee meeting.
  • Staff will be preparing a transit-oriented areas designation bylaw and amendments to the off-street parking regulations bylaw in response to Provincial Bill 47 – Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act.
  • Council supported the recommendations in the report “Development Approval Process Review” and directed staff to work with the consultants to finalize the report and return to Council with a final draft.
  • Council approved a number of amendments to the Council Procedure Bylaw resulting from changes the Province made to the Local Government Act (Section 464) which affect when a local government can hold a public hearing, along with other housekeeping amendments. Details regarding the changes can be found in the “Council Procedure Bylaw Amendments” report and attachments from the March 25, 2024 Governance and Priorities Committee meeting

Sections 10a,b


Alan Clarke spoke regarding concerns with drug use at the temporary supportive housing site being built by BC Housing at 1300 Island Highway South. 

Section 11a

Dan Brady spoke on behalf of the Nanaimo Hospitality Association regarding the Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT). 

Section 11b

Dan Hula spoke regarding climate change and policy making. 

Section 11c


Roger Bird and Brian McFadden, President and Vice-President of the Vancouver Island Military Museum, provided Council with an overview of the Vancouver Island Military Museum

Section 12a

Council approved a 60-year lease to the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation for City-owned land located at 1435 Cranberry Avenue to facilitate BC Housing’s construction of a non-market rental housing project.

Section 12b

A Development Variance Permit was issued for 4894 Blue Jay Trail, to allow for an addition to an existing dwelling.

Section 12c

Council provided consent to the adoption of “Regional District of Nanaimo Separate Waste Container Requirement Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1908, 2024”. This bylaw supports the RDN’s Solid Waste Management Plan’s goal of 90% waste diversion and is a step towards implementing the Mandatory Waste Source Separation Bylaw.

Section 12d

Council was provided with an update on the status of Council motions that are in progress and complete. In addition, Council rescinded six motions as outlined in the staff report. Council then directed staff to:
  • include background information and a decision point in the 2025 Council remuneration discussion related to the reimbursement of dependent care costs for members to attend official City of Nanaimo meetings; and,
  • bring a report to the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness exploring options for reimbursement for dependent expenses incurred by City of Nanaimo appointed committee members to attend scheduled committee meetings.

Section 12e

Bylaw Updates

“Housing Legacy Reserve Fund Establishing Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 7299.01” (to clarify the purpose for which the fund was established) was adopted.

Section 13a

“Online Accommodation Platform Reserve Fund Bylaw 2024 No. 7374” (to establish an Online Accommodation Platform Reserve Fund) was adopted.

Section 13b

Other Business

The Mayor, on behalf of Council, will provide a letter of support to the Nanaimo Francophone Association for their application for Welcoming Francophone Community status in connection with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Section 15a

April 8, 2024 Regular Council Meeting - agenda, documents and video

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